Friday, May 21, 2010

One Power!

by Peter Comrie

Well my friends, we are wrapping up another incredible week here in the Okanagan Valley with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads for our first Impact Evening coming up next Wednesday. As I got to thinking how to express my feelings on the work we do it became very clear to me that all we can ever do is simply "step up" and engage with the one power that is behind all of us.

The outstanding singer/songwriter Daniel Nahmod with his song, "One Power," takes a non-denominational view at the higher forces at work in our world. His inspirational lyrics, coupled with touching images of nature and humanity, will surely inspire you to find more opportunities to be loving in all of your future days.

Daniel's song addresses the fact that, despite differences in beliefs, all of humanity is joined in a common goal of discovering the love that exists within us all. You're going to enjoy what he has to share.

On this holiday weekend take some time to reflect on the depth of love that lives within you.

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