Monday, March 31, 2008

The Power of Surrender

A note from:

Hello and welcome to the first day of a brand spanking new month.

Now, you know what question I’m going to ask!

We are now a full ¼ of 2008 completed. How are you doing with your goals and intentions for the year? Are you right on track? If not, why not?

What do you need to adjust right now to make sure you fulfill the promise to yourself?

I was having a chat with a good friend of mine yesterday about “monkey chatter.” You know, that noise that goes on in our head, yes, the one we are responsible for.

What we discovered was that it is that “voice” that keeps us from experiencing all of the magic of living by design. It is that“voice” that tells us we are not worthy, and that our dreams are unrealistic, and that people will think we are strange if we separate ourselves from the “herd”.

The solution we came up with is really quite simple. Make the“external chatter” louder than the “internal chatter”. The“external chatter” can be made up of many of the hundreds of personal growth CD programs, DVD programs, internet webcasts, personal development books, affirming dialogue, meditation, relaxing, and surrendering our obsessive need to control everything.

Good ideas, yes?

Today’s offering is a neat place to start.

The Power of Surrender
By Helene Rothschild

John called me in desperation. The forty-three-year-old telemarketer was going to be evicted from his apartment because he had not paid his rent. John was interviewed for a job but had not heard from the company. Needless to say, he felt powerless and terrified.

I listened to his difficult situation with compassion. Then I said to my client, "John, I suggest that you lie down with your feet apart and palms facing the ceiling in an open, surrender position. Then say from your heart, I surrender to my spirit, to my higher self. Thank you for the perfect job and money to pay my rent. I am grateful!" John expressed some doubts if this would work, but in his state he was ready to try anything.

The next day, John called and said in an excited voice, "It worked, Helene! Last night I did what you suggested, and this morning I received a job offer. Based on the employment opportunity, my landlord was willing to let me stay in my apartment. Thank you so much!!! I never realized that surrender is so powerful!"

How can surrender be related to power? We often view surrender as a weakness. Most people would imagine a picture of a defeated person or an army walking forward with heads down, waving a white flag toward the enemy, and hoping that they will live and not be too severely punished for their actions. It means, in these scenarios, hopelessness, a giving up of their stand - their desires of having things the way they wanted them to be.

Surrender is usually associated with feeling powerless and very sad for losing or giving up. It also brings up fears of the unknown and of not being in control of our destiny, as it may be subject to the whims of the winners. This is a grim picture to burn away from your mind, so that you can clear the slate and be open to a new image - to new possibilities.

The surrender we are now going to explore comes from a humble mind that realizes it cannot figure out, plan, know, or do everything. Our human part is also called our personality. It consists of our mind, body, and emotions. It is fear and love-based.

Our fourth part is our higher self. This spiritual part is unlimited and only comes from love, wisdom, trust, and faith. One way we connect with this all-knowing, all-powerful part is by listening to our intuition. (By the way, men also have intuition even though it is considered a feminine skill. It comes with the human package.)

After our personality has tried everything logical to find a job, housing, relationship, etc., we can surrender to our higher self and go beyond the mind. Or, we can surrender to that powerful part of us to begin with. I found the latter to be much easier and more fun.

For example, when I want to find a place to live, I lie down in surrender position and I say from my higher self, who comes from trust and faith, "Thank you for finding me the perfect place to live. I am grateful!"

Then I follow my intuition to know what my mind, body, and emotions can do to help me locate my perfect home. For example, I intuitively know when to buy the newspaper, which ad to respond to, or where to post my ad. Or, I will get the message to go to a party and meet someone who is renting his or her home.

As you can see, to truly surrender is to replace fears and doubts with trust and faith. It means expressing what you desire and having a knowing that the universe supports you, that you are truly powerful, and you have all the answers inside of you. It means becoming very still, focusing inward, and listening to your inner voice either through a gut feeling, softly spoken words, or a vision.

As John said, "I never realized that surrender is so powerful." I never did either until I tried it myself. It has worked for me many times, and the power of surrendering to my higher self has been amazing. It can be for you too!

By Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, Marriage & Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, speaker, and author of the Amazon best selling book, "All You Need Is HART!" She offers transformational, international phone sessions, teleclasses, books, e-books, MP3 audios, tapes, and a free newsletter, MP3 audio and e-book from her site: Love Yourself to Peace

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Copying the Success of Theodore Roosevelt

A note from:

Good day to you as we get this first week of April kicked off.

I’m feeling particularly terrific today after reading some of the feedback about Friday’s video. I have to say that we have some incredible subscribers who now clearly know what the power of “decision” really means.

To get us up and running for the week we turn to one of our regular contributors. Like me, Philip is a voracious reader and has a library that is set as a model for each of us.

Let’s get into what he has to say.

Copying the Success of TR
By Philip Humbert

About 30 years ago, a giant of a man and someone I greatly admired, Bruce Thieleman, told me that to keep growing, to serve my clients well, and to stay at the top of my game, I would need to read at least two books a week. For the rest of my life! Fortunately, it's not difficult.

I love reading and I particularly enjoy biographies of notable people.

This week, I read the first volume of Edmund Morris' biography of Theodore Roosevelt. It's fairly massive, about 750 pages, but it's delightful reading. TR's trips to the badlands are as exciting as any western, and in this election year, his time in the New York legislature, his run for Mayor of New York and his years as Governor are particularly intriguing. If you love biographies, this is a superb work.

Most important for The Wealthy Attitude Daily Reader subscribers, however, are the lessons we learn from the most influential people in history.

As Tony Robbins and others have said, success is not an accident! It leaves clues. We can learn the tools and skills, the tactics and traits of high achievers, and if we apply them to our own lives, good things happen! There's no mystery about this.

If we copy the habits and patterns of "average" people, we get average results. Almost everyone knows someone (in your family, a neighbor or friend) who refuses to develop their natural talents. This type of failure (what else would you call it?) is all around us. Everyday, we see talented people who permit one or more unfortunate habits to hold them back. Here's a hint: Don't copy them!

Fortunately, we also have models of people who passionately pursue every ounce of talent, opportunity and potential they have. They do things differently. They have habits and attitudes and behaviors that create the results they desire. Here's a hint: Copy THESE people!

So, what have I observed about TR? Obviously, many, many things--enough to fill a massive biography! But here are just a few:

1. Enormous self-discipline. As a skinny, sickly child who nearly died many times, when his father told him he must build his body, he launched himself into an exercise routine that would shame most Olympic athletes. Later, his work and writing schedule amazed even his publishers. His ability to master the intricacies of politics confounded his adversaries. The man knew how to focus.

2. Applied energy. Whether he was herding cattle, running for election, or playing with his children, people marveled at his ability to get things done. He may have had more energy than most of us, but what struck me was his ability to solve problems. He got up early, he worked hard, he loved what he was doing and his passion drove him forward. Winners have the same 24-hour day, but they use their time and energy differently. The get more and better results.

3. Quick, practical intelligence. TR had the ability to see through the confusion of daily life and find real solutions. When faced with family challenges or political opponents, or the thousands of details that confuse and confound most of us, he would pause, consider his primary objective, and cut through the clutter. To use a modern cliché, he "kept his eyes on the prize." For him, there was always a solution and he was determined to find it.

4. Gusto and love of life. Call it what you will, TR's sheer enthusiasm often carried the day. His most common expression was a rollicking, hugely exaggerated shout of "DEEEElighted!" He loved people. He loved challenges and problems. He loved to laugh and he loved his work. He loved life and was not shy about it. People enjoyed being around him (even when they opposed him) and his passion and joy opened doors that would not have been available to others.

Obviously, we shouldn't try to be anyone but ourselves. Each of us is unique and our highest and best is to be precisely and fully who we are. But we can and do learn from others. Unfortunately too often we learn "accidentally" and bad habits too easily find room in our lives. But we can also learn intentionally from the most successful and inspiring people we can find.

Choose your models wisely. Your life depends on it.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

What Powerful Decisions Look Like!

A note from:

The readers this week have certainly generated a whole bunch of really neat responses, and I have to say that the quality of dialogue has reached a whole new upper level. My thanks to you all.

One of the things that keeps popping up here at the "reader" is folks who can't seem to completely understand what "decisions" really mean. And today I want to bring that close to home.

We're going to finish up the week with a short video about the power of "decision". The young man featured in this piece sets an example for "life" unlimited that each and every one of us should use as a milestone for our future.

Celebrate this outstanding young contributor.

See the video here!

Make this weekend full of powerful decisions!

See you on Monday.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What is a Recession?

What is a Recession?

It doesn't matter whether you want to face up to it or not, this continent is going to be fully in recession pretty soon. Many pundits declare that it is foolish to think that we are not there now, and that we should be taking all steps to safeguard ourselves in every way possible.

Still, many folks with continue blithely along as if some great sweeping hand will emerge from the wild blue wonder and save their financial butt. Trust me, I've been through two recessions, and it ain't going to happen.

Like it or not folks, it's time to really evaluate your position, and take all of the necessary steps to make sure you are able to traverse the coming financial adjustments. And maybe even come out ahead.

Two books that are worth adding to your "required" reading are:
1. Crash proof by Peter Schiff ISBN 978-0-470-04360-8
2. Conquer the Crash by Robert Prechter Jr ISBN 978-0-470-87090-7

So, what is a recession? Without going in to quantum economic analysis, an article that appeared in the Guardian newspaper in January sums it up in one of the best way I've seen. Those of you who are old enough to remember, or have chosen to forget, will be reminded. Those of you too young to know, should pay attention.

This is what a recession looks like!

Wednesday January 23,
2008The Guardian

World markets plunge! Newspapers full of down-pointing graphs and City traders with their heads in their hands. Some of us have been here before, specifically from 1989 to 1992, but for those who are in their 20s and unsure of what to expect, here's a beginner's guide to recession ...

Those weekly shopping sessions will seem like a distant memory, and the merits or otherwise of organic food will suddenly appear less pressing. The empty shop on your high street will no longer be automatically taken over by bouffant-haired real estate agents who install a latte-making machine and a 6ft-wide TV as a matter of priority. Instead, nothing will happen to it.

That voice on your cell phone answering machine that says, "You have ... no new messages" will begin to sound rather sadistic, and your boss will suddenly seem less like David Brent, and more like the angel of death. You won't know where he'll strike next with the fatal words, "Could you just step into my office, I'd like a quick word ..."

Pop-ups won't pop-up so often; newspapers will become thinner. The "50 different ways to brighten up your garden this spring" by a star horticulturalist will become a small article on daffodils written by a subeditor. Your property begins to seem less like a lifeboat and more like a millstone, and a lot of chickens come home to roost. That buddy of yours who played guitar in a band - but not very well - suddenly takes up teacher training.

On the brighter side, though, you will no longer be welcomed into people's houses with the dreaded words, "Do you want the guided tour?", and if you are, you can simply ask, "And how much less is it worth now than when you bought it?"

In a recession, it won't be the people who have got the latest "must-have" gadget who do all the talking. Rather, people who know about root vegetables will come into their own; people who know what to do with a scrag end of lamb or how to fix a broken toaster. Triumphalism will be quelled. Interviewers might cut Victoria Beckham off when she starts talking about the latest additions to her wardrobe, and ask instead whether she leaves the bath water in for David.

Recessions encourage imaginative business ideas, novel-reading, cinema-going, and foster music more akin to the blues than the stridency of Madonna. The last one gave us Wagamama, loft living and Every Day is Like Sunday by Morrissey. Fear not, kids. You have nothing to lose but your credit cards.

Today take "proofing" steps. You'll be glad you started.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Showing Up!

A note from:

I had an amazing reminder yesterday!

Last year I had an accident in which my car was written off. It was an accident within another accident, no one’s fault, no one hurt, just a set of unfortunate circumstances.

Four months after the event I get a knock on the door and am served a summons charging me with “imprudent driving” with an associated fine for $187:00. I was miffed that some desk jockey at the local bobby shop arbitrarily decided that they would try a cash grab.

Needless to say I sent it to the court with the “not guilty” box checked, and had a trial date set for yesterday. Now, I kept the summons on my fridge just to remind me that this was a fight worth taking on.

On the appointed day, at the appointed time, and in the appointed place, I show up ready and armed for the fray. The judge was there, the prosecutor was there, I was there, and wouldn’t you know it, the desk jockey from the cop shop didn’t show up.

Next came: “Sir, the charge is dismissed and you are free to go”. No fine, no points deducted, just a bunch of wasted time. And I get the win.

The reminder: Victory goes to those who show up.

It all inspired me to dig into my files and resurrect an offering from our good buddy Steve.

Showing Up
by Steve Pavlina

I’m sure you’ve heard the Woody Allen quote that 80% of success is showing up. While merely showing up — to work, to an audition, to a date, etc. — won’t guarantee success, it’s certainly a prerequisite.

A few months ago I began training in kempo, a martial arts style that could be described as a cross between karate and kung fu, plus some weapons training. I’m currently an orange belt, still very much a beginner but far enough along to grasp the basics. By showing up to the studio again and again, I learn self-defense techniques, get an interesting workout, and have a lot of fun. If I simply continue this pattern, I’ll gradually learn kempo and advance in belt ranks.

Is this easy? No. I don’t always feel motivated to go to class, and sometimes I wrestle with the time commitment. Is this on autopilot? Yes. Attending kempo classes is a habit, so it would actually take some effort to quit. All I need to do is keep showing up, and the rest is on autopilot. If I show up to class, I know I’ll put in the effort when I get there and feel good about it afterwards. Showing up is always the limiting step. Showing up doesn’t guarantee I’ll become a black belt, but it will get me about 80% of the way there if I stick with it.

Situations where showing up gets you 80% of the way to your goal are golden. In addition to martial arts training, here are some other examples:

Show up to class — get an education and/or earn a degree
Show up to work – earn income and build a career
Show up to the gym — get a workout and build fitness
Show up to Toastmaster meetings — overcome fear of public speaking and develop communication skills
Show up to the grocery store with a healthy shopping list — buy healthy foods and improve your diet

You can also stretch this concept to apply to other areas:

Show up to your relationship — set aside time for your partner, go on dates, etc.
Show up to your spiritual practice — meditate, read, attend services, etc.
Show up to success – make decisions, set goals, commit
Show up to give — volunteer, share, help others, etc.
Show up to opportunities — write a book, start a business, create a web site, etc.
Show up to growth — read, journal, take time for introspection

If you allow abstract concepts like health or love to remain abstract, you won’t move forward in these areas. Abstractions are wonderful tools for thought, but eventually you need to turn them into concrete physical actions. Your abstraction must eventually become a process of showing up.

For example, the abstract concept of fitness can be turned into the physical process of going to the gym, going running, or attending martial arts classes. The abstract concept of expanding your consciousness can become the practices of daily meditation and journaling. The abstract concept of continuing education can become the habit of reading for an hour a day.

Turning an abstraction into a process of showing up requires an initial effort of time and energy. You have to sign up for the class, join the gym, or do something else to get the ball rolling. Once the system is in place, you’re on autopilot. Keep showing up, and the results will take care of themselves. My favorite process for making this transition is the “30-day trial" plus the method of overwhelming force. By making a 30-day commitment instead of a lifetime commitment, it’s easier to get moving, and by the end of the 30 days, it’s hard to stop.

It’s amazing what the simple practice of showing up can achieve over time. You don’t need to be fancy or clever or brilliant if you can be consistent. A simple daily workout with a simple diet can produce a high level of fitness. Simple relationship habits like staring your partner in the eyes and saying “I love you” every day help build a bond of closeness. And simple awareness-raising practices like meditation and journaling can develop a deep sense of inner peace. But these results only accumulate if you keep showing up. A single workout, a single “I love you,” or a single meditation won’t do much for you — it’s the long-term habit that makes the difference.

Choose an area of your life where you’d like to make real improvements, and brainstorm ways to turn it into a process of showing up.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Doing, Doing, Done! Finishing that Big Project

A note from:

We’re approaching the end of the first ¼ of 2008, and we’ll be posing the questions about how your year is shaping up. It’ll present an opportunity for you to make the necessary adjustments to your plan.

Today’s offering presents a guide to ensure the next ¾ of the year unfold according to your desire.

This one is worth spending some quality time on.

Doing, Doing, Done! Finishing that Big Project
By Julie Cohen

Big projects are daunting, whether it's a strategic plan, a screenplay, a new business plan or a book. Although you want to complete it, you find that things prevent you from attaining the goal - getting it done.

During a large project it's easy to become distracted. Procrastination sets in, you lose focus, you become frustrated, and you check email 47 times a day. You doubt your competence and ability to do what you set out to do. These factors pull you away from the task at hand. What is needed to stay on track, feel good about your progress and finish?

To tackle the project, you need to approach the work from two perspectives: internal preparation and external preparation.

1. Internal preparation gets you mentally ready. Answer these questions: What is the mindset I want to have about the project? How do I create realistic expectations? What's my biggest fear about the project? What will completing it mean to me?

2. External preparation gets you physically ready. Answer these questions: What resources do I need to start this project? What do I need to move ahead? What environment is most conducive to my productivity? These answers will lay a foundation for starting and maintaining momentum.

Make sure you follow the 7 P's to ensure increased productivity and completion:

Before you begin, map out what needs to be done and when. Break down tasks into the smallest piece possible. Start with the date you want the project completed, and work backwards. If the project is going on over weeks or months, you'll want to have clear goals for each time period.

Continue breaking down your work in to daily accomplishments, and even what you want to complete in each work session. As you can see, planning is not a one time event. It is an integral part of your work. You will be adjusting your plan regularly as you complete before or behind schedule.

Your work area needs to be a productive area. Remove distractions and don't allow interruptions. For example, turn off your email and shut down your internet access (unless it's specifically needed for your work) and don't answer the phone. Jane, a client, was in the process of completing her PhD dissertation. She loved to garden and take care of her lawn. She had her desk and workspace facing her yard which caused her to often daydream about being outside instead of engaged with her project. An easy rearrangement of office furniture significantly enhanced her productivity and focus.

When a very large task looms in front of you, even if you know what to do and how to do it, the perceived enormity of the work itself can be a road block. "Just Do It" doesn't always work if you're overwhelmed.

Begin with baby steps. Committing to just one action at a time that moves you towards a bigger goal can begin the momentum. Instead of sitting down to write the first scene of a play, take the baby step of deciding on the setting or a character or a theme. Once the first task is completed, you can move on to the next step. These steps add up quickly, and each success is the foundation for more progress.

Committing time every day will also support your momentum, no matter how small the allotted time. This will help you develop a routine so that missing a day working on the project will not feel like an option anymore.

While working steadily is a desired outcome, it's important to invest time in the most important tasks of the project; the components of the project that will have the most impact on completion. Sometimes these tasks feel like the most difficult. But, when they are completed, significant progress is made.

While Stephen Covey stresses focusing on the 'important vs. the urgent,' many clients, when faced with intimidating goals, focus on the easy vs. the important.

When doing a job search, John spent the bulk of his time posting resumes on job boards as it was easy. He had a small network of former colleagues that he was not utilizing because it was more challenging to set up calls and meetings to discuss his skills and possible job opportunities. Once he focused on more important actions, he felt better about the work ahead and began seeing concrete results.

With all of this work, work, work, will there every be time for anything else until the entire project is done? You must make this a resounding 'YES!'

Although it may feel counterproductive not to work 15 hours a day on your project, if you ignore other areas of your life, a large quantity of work time will not lead to the quality of work that you want or to the level of productivity that is possible.

Jack, while writing a novel, was working 12+ hour days in order to complete his first draft. He spent this time without breaks for the gym, times with friends and family or keeping up with his laundry. When he cut back to six to eight hours a day, he found himself more energized, effective and efficient in his writing and not resenting the work he previously loved to do since he had time for other meaningful things in his life.

You will hit roadblocks, you will get frustrated AND you will finish, if you keep moving ahead with the work you've defined. When barriers seem insurmountable, this is when you must get in to 'tortoise mode' - keep working no matter how slow progress seems. Inertia breeds more inertia and activity breeds momentum - choose action no matter how small.

Robert purchased a timer that he could wear around his neck. When he felt himself pulled away from his project (to email, to call his wife, to get a drink) due to a challenge in the work, he would set his timer for 15 minutes and not allow himself to leave his desk before the timer went off. During this short time frame, he usually refocused his energy, got over the desire to stop and made some progress. If he walked away from his desk in response to the immediate challenge, it would have been very difficult for him to resume that day or even that week.

Lastly, don't go it alone! Even if this is your novel, your business plan, your project, others can help you in getting it done. Whether you join a writing group for encouragement, ask a colleague if you can regularly check-in with them about your marketing plan or hire a professional for support and accountability, seek support from others. A partner can mean the difference in getting from 'doing' to 'DONE.'

Keeping these seven 'Ps' in mind and in action as you progress on your project will lead to powerful productivity and a finished project. Congratulations on getting it done!

Julie Cohen, PCC, is a Career Coach. She helps her clients clarify and achieve their professional and personal goals including greater career satisfaction, life balance, leadership development and personal growth.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Foolish Impulse or Tragic Hesitation?

A note from:

Welcome to the start of a fun new week.

I do sincerely expect that you had an outstanding holiday weekend.

The mail that was inspired by last week’s offerings continued to come in over the weekend, and I have to say, it was all wonderful. A “high 5” to all of you who shared with me the latest awareness breakthrough you experienced. All amazing stuff folks.

Many folks inquired who Sgt Henry W. is and what is his story. I can’t go into to much detail folks, other than to say, this young man is recovering from devastating injuries sustained in Iraq. He wrote me a note in January after his sister got him to subscribe to our little adventure here, and we have been e-mailing back and forth since.

I wanted to publicly acknowledge him for the incredible perspective he has developed since his injuries. He totally inspired me with his lack of anger and regret. He has taken this “opportunity” to design a life for himself that many fully “articulated” people will never experience.

I allowed myself to get a little pissed last week with some “able bodied” individuals who continue to choose the lesser path of bitching, complaining and moaning. They have every single opportunity and advantage at their disposal, and they still choose lack and misery, over abundance and happiness.

This amazing young man is my standard today for courage, resilience, faith, and “aliveness”. He allows me to live my incredible life without the shackles of the self-described “defeated”.

I’m expecting Sgt Henry will allow me to post a picture of himself in the future, but for now, he allowed me to share this with you.

“Peter, let your subscribers know that of the 100% of physical faculty’s that most people have, I now have the use of but 5%, and with that as a new beginning, I will make this 5% more powerful that most people’s 100%, just watch me.”

“Henry, I’m glad you’re on my side my young friend.” ~p~

Our friend Philip get’s us underway this week with a note that could have been penned with Henry in mind.

Foolish Impulse or Tragic Hesitation?
By Philip Humbert

The English language is full of clichés, but few are more confusing than the conflict between "Fools rush in" and "Those who hesitate are lost." How do we balance the "need for speed" with the advice to "look before you leap?"

We all know the necessity for planning and preparation. We know that success requires a strong foundation, careful thought, and precision. But, we are also advised to "strike while the iron is hot" and that "the early bird gets the worm." What's a person to do?

This confusion first struck me when I read biographies of Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott, the first two men to reach the South Pole. Amundsen was the more impulsive of the two. He landed on the shelf ice, unloaded his gear and took off. He got to the pole first, and he returned to tell the tale.

Robert Scott was far more organized, and he had better equipment. When he landed on the ice, he prepared carefully for the enormous challenge ahead. He was the better scientist and he, too, got to the South Pole. But he got there second and, because of his delay the Antarctic winter began before he got back. After weeks of bitter and heroic struggle, he and his men died just eleven miles short of base camp and safety.

I was reminded of that this week while reading Edmund Morris' biography of young Theodore Roosevelt. When he was 25, after his wife died in childbirth, Roosevelt made his first trip to the "Bad Lands." When his guide backed out, he plunged ahead with no idea what to expect. He was unprepared and might have died, but instead found a rugged wilderness that restored his health and in many ways created the man who later became president. Who could have guessed?

So how do we balance the "need for speed" with the advice to "look before you leap?"

First, understand and honor your unique personality. Some of us are "planners." For them plans, research and a methodical approach are required. Impulsive action makes them nervous, and that's fine! But others are built for speed. They see opportunity and feel they must act quickly. That's fine, too! As Shakespeare advised, "First, know thyself and to thine own self be true." Design your life so that it (mostly) brings you the type of opportunities and situations you prefer.

Second, understand the limitations of your preferences. Some of us eagerly jump in, while others are planners, and both are good but each has its limitations.Some things in life must be grasped instantly or they are gone forever. Sometimes, if "you snooze, you lose!" and if you are a planner, some opportunities won't fit your natural inclinations. Design your life so that, as often as possible, you have time you need for thoughtful, careful consideration.

Others prefer the drama and excitement of speed. If that's your preference, design systems that create multiple opportunities where you can "grab and go." But, be aware of the downside risk. Some impulses, like driving too quickly on a dark and slippery road, can end in tragedy.

Finally, learn the fine art of flexibility. Few of us are so extreme in one direction or the other that we can't make exceptions when called for. Learn to analyze the true nature of the situation, and respond accordingly. Even if you strongly prefer careful planning, know that some situations call for immediate action and that's alright! Go for it! It's good practice and might, like Roosevelt's ride into the Badlands, lead to amazing results. Other situations require detailed preparation and no matter how much you want to act quickly, caution is advised. Winners recognize the difference and respond appropriately.

The key to success is using your personal preferences to your advantage.

Design a life that builds on your strengths.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Triumphing Over Tough Times!

A note from:

Welcome to the start of Spring. (Bring on the warmth).

What an amazing week this has been. The feedback from subscribers has been rich with lessons, courage, hope, and love.

The video presentations certainly inspired many comments from around the world, and I’m forever grateful to those cherished souls who have the insight to get these great messages on video.

A special note to Sgt. Henry W. currently convalescing in a prominent Veteran’s hospital: Henry, I will speak for this entire community when I tell you that you are indeed a special man. Your courage and commitment stand testimony to all that is good, your example reflects the care and compassion of your upbringing. And my young friend, many lives will be brightened by your very presence, I know mine is.

Today’s reader is presented also as a thought to consider over the Easter holiday weekend.

Triumphing Over Tough Times
By Della Menechella

Right now many people are facing tough times. Life as we once knew it has changed and we may find ourselves confronting situations we have never dealt with before.

While we might not be able to control things that are occurring in the world, we can control how we react to what is happening. Specifically, we can control how we use our minds and thoughts to get through difficult circumstances. The following are simple steps that will not only help you handle any challenges, but will allow you to move through them to achieve success.

Remember this too shall pass – Sometimes when we are faced with tough times we feel as if they will never end. We can’t see ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’ to that time when our problems are resolved. It seems as if we will always have to deal with the difficulty. This can be a very negative attitude to adopt because it leads to a sense of hopelessness – why bother trying to change things because it won’t make a difference anyway. Now is the time to remember that, as with most things in life, this too shall pass. You will find another job, business will pick up, the pain and grief will subside. As you realize that this challenging time will be replaced by a brighter tomorrow, you will find it easier to take the necessary steps to resolve your situation.

Consider past successes – Often when we are dealing with a difficult situation we develop amnesia about our past. Unless you are one of a privileged few, you have successfully overcome prior challenges in your life. Think about past events when you’ve been tougher than your problems. It will help you realize that deep within, you have the strength and fortitude to move beyond this demanding time.

Determine your personal success strategy – As you recall those times when you’ve triumphed over trouble, consider what strategies you used to accomplish it. Each of us has many successful strategies that we’ve used in our past. However, we often forget to pull out those strategies during those times that we can most benefit from them. Determine what worked for you before and apply those successful ideas now. You will find it much easier to handle any adversity you may be facing.

Handle day-to-day challenges, but envision your goal – When we go through difficult times it is easy to get bogged down in the minutiae of the situation and forget where we are headed. Take time out to envision what life will be like when the situation has reached a successful outcome. Handle the day-to-day details such as making follow-up phone calls, finding new ways to market yourself or your business, solving daily problems, but always remind yourself of how things will look and feel when you are triumphant. This will provide you with the motivation to continue taking action and it will also help you maintain a positive attitude.

Find a support system – When we are struggling with major challenges it is very difficult to consistently stay upbeat. We don’t get the position, we lose the sale, the expenses continue to pile up as the money gives out. This is the time when we need others to help us remain focused and optimistic.
Call a confidante who can see the bright side when you can’t. Talk to a trusted friend who will help you leave your ‘pity party’ and take action once again. There are times when even the strongest and most positive of us need others to help us navigate through the trials of trouble.

Focus on what is right in your life – When we are confronted by problems it is very easy to let them control our perspective on life. We spend much time and energy focusing on what is wrong and very little time thinking about what is right. On a daily basis, come up with a list of things that are good in your life, things for which you can be grateful even as you travel this tough road. It will help you realize that even though the world may seem to be falling apart around you, you still have many positives in your life.

Follow these steps whenever you find yourself facing life’s bumps, detours, or valleys. They will not only help make the journey easier, but they will lead the way to your ultimate triumph.

Della Menechella is a speaker and trainer who helps organizations achieve greater success by improving the performance of their people. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Necessity of Choice!

A note from:

Say hello to Thursday.

Yesterday’s video presentation created such a buzz that it took me nearly three hours to respond to all of the mail that it inspired. The video was filled with metaphors, and those who watched it closely clearly saw the message that was meant for them alone. Powerful stuff indeed!

One of the most heart-warming notes came late in the afternoon from a subscriber who teaches school in Bogata, Columbia. He shared with me that he was, at present, preparing to take a group of students on a leadership training retreat over the Easter holiday.

He noted that some of his class had began to openly complain, to anyone who would listen, when they realized that they would be away from their families for the entire holiday weekend. As usual, he shared, it was a small group of vocal “influential” students who were at the center of the dissent.

A quick note here: All of the students “volunteered” at the start of the year to participate in this extra-curricular event.

He shared with me, that when he saw Wednesday’s (Video) Reader, a showed it to all the other teachers involved in the project. Collectively they decide to show it to the entire school. Class by class, they gathered the students, and for six minutes with each group, they show the video.

In his own words, “Peter, within one hour, one at a time, all of the “dissenters” came to my class to re-dedicate themselves to the weekend project, and most asked if there was more they could do to ensure its success”.

, needless to say, the rumor that my bladder is parked right behind my eyeballs just about was confirmed.

The whole day, and the next few to come, are reflected on appropriately by our friend Philip.

The Necessity of Choice
by Philip Humbert

This week I was reminded that one of the great questions of life is the choice to do, or to experience.

Too often we get so busy doing that we forget to experience and enjoy our lives. Life can be a constant source of love and wonder, but sometimes in our hurry we fail to notice. We so badly want "success" that we forget to live well and enjoy the ride.

We live "lives of quiet desperation" not because we are poor, but because of our desire to have, to do, or to be, something else. We are anxious because we fail to realize that what we have is, in fact, quite enough.

The good news is that we are already wealthy! Most of us have access to more books and education, entertainment, travel, and business opportunities than we can possibly explore in one life time. We all participate in this "rising tide" of experiences.

As Christopher Marley noted, “true success is living your own life in your own way”.

Success, it seems to me, is about choosing the lifestyle you prefer and accepting responsibility for it. Most North Americans choose to work about 40 hours a week, earning what we call a "middle class" income. This supplies our need for food, clothing and shelter, and allows us to enjoy a nice car, some travel, a few luxuries and time for television, friends, and relaxation.

A few, however, make other choices. Some choose to work more, play more, travel more, or make other choices that diverge from the average. While no example will apply to everyone, typically those who choose to have more children will have less free time, and perhaps less discretionary money. Those who maximize recreation may be promoted less rapidly, while those who pursue an entrepreneurial or business path may have less of something else.

The key, of course, is that there no mythical right choice. There is only the requirement that we make our choices and accept responsibility for the results. You can have almost any life you desire, but you cannot avoid the necessity to choose.

One of the great tragedies is that many of our choices are made unconsciously, without adequate thought or consideration. Someone offers us a job, and we grab it. We buy a house, settle down, make friends and believe these things define our life and "the way things are." False!

The reality is that we have the power to choose the life we want. At any time, we can choose to change. We all know people who have transformed their lives through the power of choice, and so can you! It's not easy, but it is possible. We all know people who went back to school, who started a business, who made a decision to live the life they truly wanted. That potential is inside each of us.

This weekend, take time to dream. Clarify the life you truly want, jot some notes, make some plans, and take action.

From this day forward, move in the direction you truly want to go!

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Mastering The Seven Decisions


Hi everyone, as most of you know, one of my very favorite authors is Andy Andrew who wrote the amazing book "The Traveler's Gift". Andy is releasing a new book in April called "Mastering The Seven Decisions".

My friend Warren has a neat offer over on his blog where you have the chance to get an advance copy of the book my favorite way, FREE.

Pop over there and check it out. While you're there, take the opportuntiy to subscribe to Warren's newsletter. It'll be handy on your journey to greater wealth.

Visit Warren here: Warren is Mastering The Seven Decisions

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Face (Your) Giants!

A note from:

Welcome to the mid-week point.

For years now, we've been "holding the space" here at The Wealthy Attitude for folks to breakthrough their own self-imposed barriers, and to come to the realization that the life they have is entirely of their own making. Period.

We've watched some incredible people, whose lives just plain sucked, turn them around and truly live their lives magnificently. We've also watched some choose not to!

We've aggressively expounded that we each "choose" the life we lead, and that we are each 100% responsible for it. And, it is in that amazing power of "choice" where the magic lives.

One thing that we have clearly learned during our time here, is that we cannot want anyone's success for them more than they want it for themselves. The "choice" for success, or failure, rests entirely with the individual concerned, no one else.

It's also pretty easy to see what choice people make by their language. People who choose success always talk in "winning" terms, always positive, always growing. These folks look to take 100% responsibility.

Those who choose failure can be heard loudly by their volume of whining, moaning, bitching, and complaining. These folks look to blame, and avoid responsibility.

We've also discovered however, that no condition is permanent, and our ability to "choose" never wanes or weakens. Also, we have capacities that, when engaged, can lead us to successes never imagined in regular days.

Today's video offering portrays a lesson that we firmly believe should be re-visited daily until it is solidly fixed in our memory.

We are strongly suggesting that you share this message today with everyone you care for. Let's spread the lesson!

View the presentation here........ FACE (YOUR) GIANTS! 6:02


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Monday, March 17, 2008

Your Second Act!

A note from:

I was having a chat a little while ago with someone who didn’t feel that their life was going the way they thought it should.

Upon further chatting we quickly discovered that this individual’s life really sucked, I mean it was awful. His wife left with his friend, his J.O.B. was eliminated, his car always needed fixing, and get this, his dog died. His life was sad country song in the making.

During the conversation I kept asking him what his “next act” would be? After asking him five or six times he started to lose his cool. He blurted out, “Peter, what the heck are you asking me that for?”

I pointed out to him, that as dramatic as his life story was, it was just a story. His “story” was causing him to act in ways that kept the story alive and kicking, a bit like watching “Act 1” of a play over and over again, and never moving to “Act 2”.

When he stopped laughing, he saw just how he was keeping himself stuck in the “story”. So today I ask you, “What’s your second act?”.

Our friend Jerry may help out.

Your Second Act!
by Jerry Moyer

Your life thus far I am going to refer to as your "first act". The curtain is closing and now is the time. Now is the time for you to decide what you want and to start your "second act".

I read a very good book titled "Second Acts" written by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine. This book talks about your ability to create the life you really want, to build the career you truly desire.

I just thought of a quote I often refer to. It goes something like this. "Only a fool would continue to do the same thing and expect different results." I'm not sure that is the exact wording.. but hopefully you get the message.

If you're not happy with your life to date...your "first act"...then you need to change something if you want to get a different result in your "second act".

You can live the life you've always dreamed of no matter what your age, location, or stage of life. Wow. That is huge and you must understand and believe in that statement. Your life to date is nothing more than a physical reflection of your previous thoughts. Change the thoughts...change the picture...change the results.

Your second act is waiting for you. It is. I bet at times each and every one of you hears the "quiet whisper" urging you to try something new...urging you to go for it...urging you to give it a try.

You have the ability to literally reinvent yourself! You have the ability to express all the hopes and dreams that you may have either forgotten about or chosen (consciously or subconsciously) to store away. You...yes...You, have the ability to make it happen.

So what are you waiting for? I know. The timing just isn't right. You really don't have the time right now. Your bank account is a little low right now. Your back is acting up again. I could go on forever. So what are you waiting for? Noone is going to do it for you. YOU have the power to start right now start the process of making it happen. It starts with your decision to do it!

If your life is boring, start your second act and feel the optimism that comes with it. If you life is a dull routine, start your second act and begin to enjoy each and every moment you have. If you life is lonely, start your second act and get closer to others, any you may wish to. If your life is "non-spiritual"...start today with your second act and become closer to your maker.

So what is your dream? What will your "second act" consist of. For some of you this may be an easy answer. For others, it may be a most challenging exercise. Do you want to change careers? Maybe you want to write a book. Could it be possible for you to find true love this time around?

All of this and much more is possible in your second act. Go ahead. Give yourself permission to dream...and to go for that dream.

As John Updike quoted, "Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them."

If you can dream it you can conceive it!

So go ahead and open up the door to your second act. Your first act is over. It is neither good nor just is. Your second act, however will be great!

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." SENECA

Go for it! Make this famous "second act" inspire you.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

I (You) Can Do It!


welcome to a brand spanking new delicious week.

I have to say that the feedback from last week’s topic of “procrastination” has been truly wonderful. Many folks wrote to say that the little rascal “p” was being wrestled to submission. Onwards!

So how are you doing with it?

This week we kick off with two of my very favorite folks. Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson have helped countless thousands of people get clear on their purpose with the amazing contributions they have made to the field of “personal responsibility and growth.”

Both of these outstanding contributors came together last year at the “I Can Do It” conference in Las Vegas. This initiative sponsored by Hay House was a huge success and they continue this year around the world.

Wayne and Marianne join in this short video presentation to bring forward a consideration for you that I’m sure will resonate with you a very deep level.

"I (You) Can Do It".....Enjoy the video here!

We’re going to have fun this week. Buckle up!

Take care,


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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Overcome Procrastination Once and For All

A note from:

Welcome to the midweek point.

I have to tell you, our topic this week is hitting right on the mark. I’m flooded with folks letting me know that it’s time they wrestled this rascal (procrastination) to the ground.

Today we keep the ball rolling with a submission from one of our subscribers. I’ll tell you, it’s a beauty.

Overcome Procrastination Once and For All
by K. Stone

Why We Procrastinate

Before we can solve the problem of procrastination we must understand why we do it. There are a few basic reasons:

1. Feeling overwhelmed with a situation.
2. Given up hope that a situation can be changed or affected.
3. Afraid of failing.
4. Too “Busy” to get the really important things done.
5. Can’t make a decision.
6. Overworked, tired.
7. Want to avoid work you don’t like.

Each of these can be reduced down to the pleasure/pain principle which says that we do things to gain pleasure and to avoid pain. What follows is a method to overcome procrastination on the things that matter and to jettison excess baggage in your to-do list that only serves to weigh you down.

Method to Overcome Procrastination

1. Get clear about what you want in life. Procrastinators, you’ll love this! Take 20-30 minutes to do this quick goal planning exercise. Write down all your goals in some or all of these categories: career, education, relationships, financial, physical, mindset, creative, spiritual, public service, travel, leisure, and other. Once you have your list, then whittle it down to your top 10, then down to your top 5, and then your top 3. Do this by asking yourself, “Can I live without this?” Let your less important goals lie dormant on a “maybe” list that you can check on again in a few months.

2. Delete or delegate from your To-Do List those things that don’t relate to your top 3-5 goals. Just say bye bye. And don’t look back!

3. Link tasks you don’t like to your goals. It helps to mentally (and in writing) tie these tasks to one of your main goals or values. So for example, “Keeping a tidy and clean home and desk allows me to have clarity of mind which is something I highly value. By having clarity of mind I will be better able to work on my goals and have less anxiety.” By linking the task to the pleasure of being able to think clearly, I now have a reason that will motivate me to take action.

4. Plan your day each day. This is not a big task. It should only take about 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Do the most difficult and most important things first and work your way down to the easier stuff in the afternoon. You’ll feel really good if you do this. Focus on that to motivate you to wait to check email and such until after you’ve finished your first big task.

5. Plan your week just enough to loosely schedule in some of the big things you know you want to get done. Sometimes procrastination happens simply because a task is not scheduled.

6. Allow for cheats and get rest when you’re tired or have low motivation. Don’t be so hard on yourself about the timing of a task and then you won’t try to escape through procrastination so hard in the future. Just reschedule and get back on track later or tomorrow. Also, remember to check if the task relates to one of your goals. See #1,2, and 3 again!

7. Just do it, but don’t over do it. We often put pressure on ourselves to do certain tasks more often than we really need to, such as cleaning/tidying/laundry etc. So give yourself a break and set a schedule for these things that is not overwhelming. Do thing on a “Need to do” basis and let go of the notion that you need to keep up with some perfect schedule. Ever hear of the business concept “just in time” inventory, well this is “just in time” task management.

8. Break down big tasks into smaller components. We procrastinate on tasks that are vague and nebulous because we don’t have clear instructions what to do next. Take a few moments to think about how to break down a larger task and schedule it into your calendar in pieces. This is good for when you are feeling overwhelmed.

9. Get help making decisions. Decisions are tough for me. I like to use the pro/con method and assign points. I also recommend getting help from a friend that you know is good with making decisions. Once you’ve made your decision then break it down into tasks and schedule into your calendar.

10. Believe in yourself and in your ability to accomplish anything you want. If you’ve lost hope, know that you can turn things around. Release the fear of failure. Failure is just a learning experience. Slow and steady wins the race. A little bit done every day adds up to a lot over a year. If you have to, just fake your belief until it becomes real. Remember, you can do it!

11. Trick & Treat Yourself. Do you keep avoiding cleaning up your desk or some other big task, even though you know will make you feel good to get it done? If so, do this: invite a friend or family member over for a date to “tackle the dreaded task.” All your friend has to do is sit in the room with you and make sure that you do the task. If you want you can let them help you, but it’s not necessary. After the task is done, you can treat you and your friend to either coffee, dessert, meal, movie, whatever!
  • Know your most important goals and values.
  • Only do tasks that contribute to those goals and values.
  • Mentally link tasks to the pleasurable outcomes you seek.
  • Plan your day & week.
  • Do, but don’t overdo. Rest when needed.
  • Break down big tasks.
  • Get help making decisions.
  • Believe in yourself!
  • Trick & Treat!

What’s your best trick for overcoming procrastination?

K. Stone is author of Life Learning Today, a blog about daily life improvements. A few of her most popular articles are Ultimate Goal Setting Guide, Wrestling with Your Goals?, How to Write a Book in 60 Days or Less, Decision Making Made Easy, and Cool GTD Applications - The Ultimate Resource List.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

We're Sorry This Is Late

A note from:

Yesterday’s reader by D. Paul Walmsley certainly hit some chords. We were hearing the music hear all day. I’m amazed by how many folks are really affected by procrastination, and the impact it has in their life.

I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens as we pursue the dialogue. Today we are going to continue with the topic with a neat piece out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

We're Sorry This Is Late ... We Really Meant To Post It Sooner:
Research Into Procrastination Shows Surprising Findings

A University of Calgary professor in the Haskayne School of Business has recently published his magnum opus on the subject of procrastination -- and it's only taken him 10 years.

Joking aside, Dr. Piers Steel is probably the world's foremost expert on the subject of putting off until tomorrow what should be done today. His comprehensive analysis of procrastination research, published in the recent edition of the American Psychological Association's Psychological Bulletin, presents some surprising conclusions on the subject, such as:

· Most people's New Year's resolutions are doomed to failure
· Most self-help books have it completely wrong when they say perfectionism is at the root of procrastination, and
· Procrastination can be explained by a single mathematical equation

"Essentially, procrastinators have less confidence in themselves, less expectancy that they can actually complete a task," Steel says. "Perfectionism is not the culprit. In fact, perfectionists actually procrastinate less, but they worry about it more."

Other predictors of procrastination include: task aversiveness, impulsiveness, distractibility, and how much a person is motivated to achieve. Not all delays can be considered procrastination; the key is that a person must believe it would be better to start working on given tasks immediately, but still not start.

It's estimated that about 15-20 per cent of the general population are procrastinators. And the costs of procrastinating can add up well beyond poor work performance, especially for those who delay filing their taxes or planning their retirement.

Steel says motivational failures such as difficulty in sticking to diets and exercise regimes -- frequently the focus of New Year's resolutions -- are related to procrastination because impulsiveness is often at the root of the failure. "Temptations that are close at hand are difficult to resist. Addicts often relapse after returning from treatment facilities because drugs and alcohol become easily available and daily habits reassert themselves. Or we load up on bread in the restaurant before the meal is served. Or we check our email 10 times an hour instead of completing a project."

The good news is that willpower has an unusual capacity. "The old saying is true: 'Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right'," Steel says. "And as you get better at self control, your expectancy about whether you can resist goes up and thus improves your ability to resist."

Steel has also come up with the E=mc2 of procrastination, a formula he's dubbed Temporal Motivational Theory, which takes into account factors such as the expectancy a person has of succeeding with a given task (E), the value of completing the task (V), the desirability of the task (Utility), its immediacy or availability (Γ) and the person's sensitivity to delay (D).

It looks like this and uses the Greek letter Γ (capital gamma): Utility = E x V / ΓD

It's still unclear why some people may be more prone to developing procrastination behavior, but some evidence suggests it may be genetic. Steel concludes: "Continued research into procrastination should not be delayed, especially because its prevalence seems to be growing."

The title of the paper is "The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure." The American Psychological Association's Psychological Bulletin is arguably the top academic journal for the social sciences. Steel's research on the subject is referred to as a meta-analysis, in which he distills and synthesizes the evidence on procrastination from 691 other research sources.

Adapted from materials provided by University of Calgary.

University of Calgary. "We're Sorry This Is Late ... We Really Meant To Post It Sooner: Research Into Procrastination Shows Surprising Findings." Science Daily 10 March 2008 .

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Procrastination Is Killing Me.....

A note from for Monday 10th March 2008

Welcome to another brand spanking new week.

With the moving up on Daylight Savings Time the winter takes on a whole new perspective. Fun stuff.

On Friday I asked you to share the “Daily Reader” with at least one person in your sphere of influence. The response has been great. If you were one who referred our little adventure, thank you.

This week folks we’re going to have some fun with “procrastination”. Oh I know you don’t do it, but it’s an important subject anyway.

We start the week off with a new contributor. D. Paul is an fellow entrepreneur, and like-minded good guy. He’s also recently launched "The Weekly Rhino" newsletter that I encourage you to go to his site and subscribe to. The address is:

Procrastination Is Killing Me......
by D. Paul Walmsley

Have you ever been in the situation where you know something needs to be done, you know exactly what to do and you know precisely how to do it, of course you have.

So why is it we procrastinate on doing it?

For the longest time I was a professional procrastinator, I would put things off and put things off, and then scramble to get them all done in the last minute. Sound familiar?

Why do we do that? Well that's why I'm writing you today, because I think I got my head around this issue. You see, we have a tendency to procrastinate for a couple of reasons, one being fear, and the other being unmotivated to do the “thing”.

Every time we resist something we are doing it out of fear, or in some cases ignorance. Let me explain, many people commit to inaction because they are fearful of what others may think, as well they may be fearful of the very success they seek. Now this may seem strange to you, but the psychology around this way of thinking, is that a person may want the success, but subconsciously rationalize the change taking place as negative. That negative being they may lose friends over it or receive disapproval from family or friends.

With success comes change; that is inevitable. It's our perception of what this change may look like that creates this apprehension. It's our tendency to not want to give up a lower energy for a higher energy that ultimately keeps us where we are.

We want the success, but we don't want the change that may come with this success. Crazy I know, but accurate none-the-less. On the other hand we may procrastinate because we're not willing to entertain a new idea, or a new way of thinking, when clearly our current level of thinking is just not working for us. Or, when we have doubts around a particular issue or plan of action.

Let me be crystal clear on one thing; having doubts is a totally destructive mindset. It is a vibration that you really do not want to align with. In essence you are creating a picture in your mind of exactly what you do not want to happen and you are attracting it into your existence. This is a trap unfortunately that all too many of us fall into on a regular basis, and the wonder why we aren't getting what we want. From that point we get frustrated, confused and then quit. Hardly a model for success!

If however, you are willing to entertain a new idea, embrace change and maintain a motivated focus, you can overcome these procrastinations and plough through them, and achieve the success you desire. When you have the awareness around your procrastination, it becomes easier to snap out of the habit and forge ahead. Find the root cause, address and move past it.

Although this method may not be as effective against procrastinating around doing the laundry or mowing the lawn, it will benefit you in the business decisions that are required for achieving success.

Keep Chargin'

Success To All
D. Paul Walmsley has been in the personal development arena for more than three years and has come to realize the importance of mindset and how what we think about we bring about. It must first become a thought before it can ever become reality. That being said, it is easy to figure out the predominant thoughts of society in general by witnessing the results we see in society and in our own lives.

In the last three years D. Paul has been able to determine the seven traits or principles that when used together in harmony success is the undisputable result, but more than that, when a person is missing even one of these seven principles the result is often limited success, frustration , confusion and ultimately feeling unmotivated. Anyone who is interested in acquiring the road map to success will want to get their hands on D. Paul’s new report titled “Unlocking The Success Code”. This brief report describes exactly what the blueprint for success is and how you can start using these principles today to reach your ultimate success.

Get your FREE copy here

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Power of Asking

A note from:

Welcome to end of this time changing weekend.

Now, yesterday’s note certainly ripped open some perspectives. I heard back from many of you entrepreneurs and genuine small business folks. I also heard from some folks who dwell at the trough of governmental largesse.

The difference in their language was amazing.

The true business folks were avowed in keeping their enterprises relevant, and the “wonks” were defensive. I wondered out loud who would have the most impact in their individual consistencies. What do you think?

Earlier this week I mentioned that I would be asking you something important.

Here it is. It is one of my objectives to keep growing the impact of The Daily Reader, and I believe you do also. I’m going to keep doing what I do, and I’m asking you to spread the word to at least one other person in your own sphere of influence.

I’m not giving anything away for your consideration, other than to assure you that we have some amazing stuff coming down the pipe. O.K., I’ll confess I’m working at getting an awesome e-book that I’ll be gifting to all of our subscribers pretty soon, perhaps for the summer reader.

I thank you for your support.

Now for today’s offering.

It is a direct reflection of my request to you, and it’s something worth noodling over the weekend for your own benefit.

The Power Of Asking
Abel Cheng

There are many experiences that prove to me that there is power in the sentence “Ask and you shall receive”.

Whenever I know someone is going overseas, I will not hesitate to ask him to get me one or two bottles of Coca- cola for my collection. You know what, they are more than willing to buy them for me, or even give me them for free as gifts.

I even went to the extent of asking for loans during my difficult times! And of course, I managed to get what I wanted.

The examples given here are to show to you the power of asking. My real life examples are endless.

If you don't ask, people don't know what you are looking for and therefore, in most cases, you won't get what you want. It's common sense.

This is what happens to most people. The problem is they don't ask. If you don't ask, you don't get.

If you dare to ask, and if what you ask is within the reach of the other party, he will give you what you want.

Why most people don't ask?

First of all, they fear rejection. They are worried that what they ask for will be turned down.

Secondly, they are afraid that they ask the wrong thing and this makes them look stupid and less intelligent.

And thirdly, they don't even know they can get what they want just by asking in the first place!
Where can you apply this?

You can ask for what you want in every situation of your life, and business.

In selling, asking plays an important role. You have to ask for the order, which many people are afraid to do.

If you want your spouse to do something, just ask for it.

If you want to buy something but you can only afford a lower price, ask for it. Or you can trade something for something, it’s called “barter”.

If you want excellent customer service in a restaurant, just ask.

If you need help to do something, open your mouth and ask.

Basically, you can apply this in any situation. More often than not, you'll be surprised what you get just out of asking.

But how do you ask?

1) Know what you want - You can only ask for what you want when you clearly know what you want. Set a target figure in your mind if you are in business dealings.

2) Be specific - Don't say "Give me a lower price." Say "I'll offer you $100 instead."

3) Be daring - Ask for something much better than what you want and you'll get what you desire. If you want to buy something and you are willing to pay $500 for it. Offer the shop owner that you can only pay $300. Then negotiate from there to get what you want, you can still pay the $500, but you never know where a discount can come in.

4) Assume that you already will get it when you ask - Don't hesitate and be confident when you ask for what you want.

5) Forget about how people look at you - what is important is you get what you want. And it's up to the other party to decide whether your request is reasonable or not. You are not here to please anybody.

What's the worst thing that can happen to you when you ask? You get a 'no'. It's no big deal and you have nothing to lose when people say 'no.'

But if you don't ask, you'll definitely get a 'no' for it.

By simply applying the steps outlined above, you'll see that your life will become richer and more exciting.

Remember if you don't ask, you don't get.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Tragedy of Life

A note from:

Let me get right to the point today. I’m Pissed!

For years now, here at this desk, I have encouraged, pushed, cajoled, inspired, and just plain tickled people towards taking full and complete responsibility for their entire life experience. I’m proud of the part we play in “holding the space” for greater life experience.

Yesterday, I was invited into a conversation in a conference call about “options”. The other guest was a “wonk” from some government department that purported to support “small business” people.

He was “rabbiting” on about how the government supported small businesses and that they would be continuing that support for the foreseeable future. All sounded wonderful. Until I asked him what a “small” business was to them. Then it hit the fan!

Now folks, I’m a home-based business entrepreneur, and what I call a “small business” person. After some back and forth push and pull, and me repeatedly asking him what, in his government, what a “small” business was, he finally had to tell the truth. His department determined that a “small business” was a company with a minimum of 250 employees.

When I pointed out to him that he was talking to a conference call full of home-based business people, his response was this: “We don’t count them as business people”

You can just imagine my response. I went bananas.

What I shared with him for the following ten minutes will have him questioning his parentage for the next few years.

I’m exceedingly proud of you, and all entrepreneurs, but often we really “don’t count” because we don’t believe what we do matters. We do matter.

Our friend Gobala provides us all with something to ponder today.

The Tragedy of Life
by Gobala Krishnan

To quote Albert Schweitzer- "The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives". I think he hit this one right on the spot, right where it hurts.

How many people really live life to the fullest? How many people really achieve the best they can, and fulfill their purpose? For each who does, there's a thousand who never will. If killing your own dreams and god-given talents were a crime, the streets would be empty.

My personal goal in life is not to achieve perfection, but to be the best that I can be. My personal goal in life is not to chase impossible dreams, but to have one that I can live for. The sad part is that in my first three years of working as an employee, chasing the promotion that would never come, and the facade of importance and significance that consumed my better judgment, I let a part of me suffocate almost to the point of death.

To the benefit of the reader - you - all I can offer is my personal testimonial, looking back at the empty years to see all that I did wrong, and all that I did right. What I hope is that it will touch you in some way, and that you too will stop murdering who you really are inside.
If you want to fulfill your ultimate purpose in life, here is my suggestion:

1) Always Follow Your Heart

You heart knows the truth. Yet, we are thought since we were kids never to follow our heart because it leads us astray. We are thought that our heart is feeble, and that all decisions should be made with proper thinking.

I would say that concept couldn't be more wrong. How many times have you done something you regretted, simply because other people said that it was the right thing to do? How many jobs imprisoned you? How many relationships turned sour?

2) Work For Yourself, Not For Others

I don't mean just quitting your job to start your own business. What I mean is that you need to have a vision of what you want to be, and only work towards that image. Don't just get a job because it's convenient and pays a lot. Those are just traps that your "smart" brain will lead you to. You will end up doing a job you hate, and hating yourself for choosing to do it. Deep down inside you knew it would happen before you put ink to paper, and signed that contract.

If you want to be a radio DJ what good will working as an accounts clerk do? Will it buy you more time to work towards your dream? Will it make you "all-rounded" and increase your future job prospects? Those are just fallacies that society imposes on us to make sure we "conform" to the system.

You have a talent, even if you don't know it yourself. I want you to believe that you're better at doing something than almost everyone else in the world. If you spend time trying to make yourself better at something you're not and don't care for, you'll just end up being "ok" at it.

But if you spend time trying to improve at something you're naturally good at, you will be the best. And the world will love you for being so.

How do you know what to work on, what to improve, and what to master? Just follow your heart. It will show you the way.

3) You Will Never Be Where You Are Now

You're either moving forward or you're falling behind. There's simply no such thing as "staying where you are" or "taking it easy". It's just a fallacy. Learn new things, grow, improve yourself, and strive to be the best that you can be. If you don't you might get up one day to realize that the world doesn't need someone like you anymore.

When you start your journey to self-mastery, never look back and never return to where you started. The right way; the ONLY way, is to take the next road. Don't stop to watch the traffic or to make a detour. The map of your journey will only be revealed at the end of it, so don't feel afraid to try out a new path. If you follow your instincts you will never be permanently lost.

How do you know when you've achieved your best? I don't know. I have a feeling, though, that while taking your last breath you'll feel like you've really lived life to the fullest. At that point all the dots will form a straight line and the map of your life will be revealed.

The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.

Remember that.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ending A Day

by Scott Andrews

“Begin with the end in mind” is often a recommendation for writing an effective speech. However, I believe we can apply this statement to just about any action we take. Driving a car, saying hello, or ending a day.

News networks rarely focus attention on how people end their day. Local news is always more than happy to show how someone wrecked their car, had their home burned or were a victim of some crime. These are the stories that lead our news. Other stories focus on statistics of heart disease, or the increase in AIDS in Africa, or many other maladies that face the human race. The mentality is "if it bleeds, it leads."

However, what if we started out our day truly beginning with the end in mind? What would we picture? A nice restful and uninterrupted sleep? Hot sex? Contented happiness? Getting a check for a bunch of money? A hug from someone we love?

Perhaps a combination of these things. How many of us instead wake to a noisy alarm clock, skip breakfast (or call breakfast three cups of coffee and a bagel), hurry through a day crammed with work, meetings, cell phone calls, pagers, etc., then rush home to eat a late meal and fall asleep to the television (many times on a couch which puts kinks in a body that already didn't get enough exercise)? Does this scenario describe you? Looking at it now, does it sound like a healthy way to end a day?

By beginning with the end in mind, we can create a better pace for the entire day:

1. Starting by waking up naturally, by sunlight, versus an alarm clock. When we jar ourselves from sleep by an alarm clock we are likely affecting our health by reducing valuable sleep time.

2. Eating a healthy breakfast. Studies show that breakfast should be a larger meal and supper the smallest. Yet, how many of us heed that advice?

3. Getting proper exercise. A half hour a day, three times a week, and one and a half hours cardiovascular (heart pumping) excercise is about all most experts claim we need. I do some basic stretches and lift weights every other day for about twenty minutes and also make sure I get in two hours of more strenuous exercise twice a week. A bit short - but getting there.

4. Eat the last meal no later than four hours prior to bedtime. We need time to properly digest our food while we are awake and rest our digestive system while we are sleeping.

5. Avoid booze, caffeine, and cigarettes (or other drugs) prior to bedtime. These artificial stimulants and toxic drugs cause problems with dreaming and therefore, healthful sleep. Have you ever woke up from a hectic day, hung-over vs. waking up from a healthy, relaxing day?

6. Fall asleep naturally, without the television on. Falling asleep with the T.V. on is one of the biggest challenges to healthy sleep. Especially, watching news (bleeds it leads) prior to sleeping. Is putting the image of a dead person or higher interest rates going to help us sleep better?

7. Healthy sex. Sex can be a good preliminary step to falling asleep; however, the right amount of time must be allowed to make sure the proper care, attitude and love can be expressed.

8. Prayer and/or meditation. Recommended by many, followed by few. Both prayer and meditation can be highly useful to ending where we want the day to end. I personally feel that prayer and meditation can be useful prior to making love as it puts the union in a more spiritual place. Each person prays or meditates in their own way - some prefer the morning for this activity. In the Bible, Jesus said to "pray unceasingly". When thought of in the context of being in a state of communion with Spirit (God) this does not seem unnatural.

Perhaps by living the way we've described during the entire day, we can ensure our evening is relaxed and we are prepared for healthy sleep. As Gandhi said, "take care of the means, and the end will take care of itself."

There is only one person responsible for how we end our day. In the end, it all comes down to how we take control of various situations (kids, work, eating, exercise, etc.) and handle them smoothly rather than letting them handle us.

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Lose Your Mind and Come to Your Senses

A note from:

Welcome to Tuesday.

Yesterday I said I’d work to stir it up a bit this week. I had a ton of fun mulling over a bunch of readers that I believe will certainly get your attention.

Let’s get today’s underway.

Our friend Eve Delunas has been a major contributor and has guided many great folks to much deeper levels of understanding about who they really are. I think her piece today will encourage you to ponder her proposition.

Lose Your Mind and Come to Your Senses
Eve Delunas PH. D.

Back in the 1960’s, a famous psychologist named Fritz Perls used to say, "Lose your mind and come to your senses." It is only in recent years that I understand the profound wisdom inherent in that message. I now know the most important step we can take in our spiritual evolution is to stop identifying with our minds, so we may align with our Spiritual Essence.

When we "lose our minds" we do, indeed, come to our senses. The present moment of our lives becomes infinitely richer and more satisfying. We are able to access deep peace and inner stillness, even amidst chaos and confusion. We feel more connected to our inner guidance, as we inhabit a clear space within us, uncluttered by thought, in which abundant insight and creative inspiration are easily received.

What Does It Mean to Stop Identifying with Your Mind?

First, it means you recognize that you are not your mind. As Eckhart Tolle says, you are like the sun, while your mind is like the flame of a candle. Your mind is a valuable tool for you to use, but it is not who you are.

Second, it means you stop allowing your mind to run the show. Left to its own devises, your mind will keep you busy 24/7 with its incessant thinking. Most thoughts are useless distractions from the one thing that really matters—the present moment. When we take back control of our minds, we get to decide how and where to direct our own attention, and we can choose to engage our minds when it is helpful to do so.

Third, it means you stop practicing spellbound thinking. Spellbound thinking is one way your mind maintains control of your thoughts, and activates your negative emotions. As I write in Breaking the Spell of the Past, spellbound thinking is:

--repetitive, automatic, and self-hypnotic;
--negative, judgmental, and catastrophic; and
--focused on regretting the past or worrying about the future.

Chances are you have been thinking the same spellbound thoughts for ten, twenty, or even thirty years. These limiting thoughts first emerge in childhood when we experience unpleasant or traumatic events. By the time we are adults, thinking the same self-defeating thoughts has become a bad habit.

Isn’t it time to stop playing messages in your head like, "I will never be good enough," "No-one can be trusted," or "I don’t deserve to be happy," because of something that happened years ago? Spellbound thoughts will only stop when YOU press the off button! They are useless, and only keep you from enjoying your life TODAY!

How Can You Stop Identifying with Your Mind?

Here are the steps:

1. Begin by watching for the following three signs of spellbound thinking:

Sign #1: You feel terrible. Generally, if you start to feel bad, your mind just fed you a spellbound thought. You may feel guilty, fearful, anxious, sad, angry, resentful, or just uneasy. These thoughts are so habitual that we sometimes aren’t even aware we are thinking them. Your negative emotions are your best signal that spellbound thinking is going on, whether you have been consciously aware of it or not.

Sign #2: You are dwelling on something that happened in the past that bothers you. It is likely to be the same incident or series of incidents that your mind revisits on a regular basis.

Sign #3: You are worrying about some future event. Worry is catastrophic thinking—imagining the worst possible outcome to a current or future situation. Our minds tend to excel at catastrophic thinking.

2. Once you recognize that you are engaging in spellbound thinking, consciously and deliberately BRING YOUR ATTENTION BACK TO THE PRESENT MOMENT. There is not a lot for your mind to do in the present moment, which is why your mind is so fond of keeping you stuck in the past or dwelling on the future. Each time you bring your attention back to the Now, you align with who you really are—your Greater Self.

3. Be vigilant and willing to bring your attention back to the Now again and again.

Your mind is clever and tricky. It will look for new ways to capture your attention and regain control. It knows how to hook you. It will assure you that it is only trying to help you—to make you a better person. It will warn that without your spellbound thinking, you will be hurt, make a fool of yourself, or become a terrible failure. Paradoxically, those things are most likely to happen to you while you are under the spell of your negative mind!

4. Be gentle with yourself. It is important to refrain from criticizing or judging yourself during this process, for that is just the mind sneaking in the back door. In fact, each time your catch yourself engaging in a spellbound thought and you manage to refocus your attention to the Now, there is much to celebrate, for you are choosing the path of awakened consciousness.

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