A note for peter@thewealthyattitude.com for Friday August 1 2008
Welcome to the end of the typical week, and the start of a whole new month.
Firstly, my heartiest thanks and congratulations to each of you who shared your special thoughts, awareness's and lessons as you reflected on the amazing life contribution of Dr. Randy Pausch who passed away last Friday. I sent every one of them along to his family.
It was very evident indeed in your noted that each of you viewed your life as an amazing canvas upon which you are painting incredible master pieces. Your writings reflected much wonder about each of time here on this spinning orb, and more importantly, the footprint we leave as a consequence of our journey through it. I was humbled by your sharing.
Before our massive website meltdown in June, we were sharing with you some highly impactful video's each Friday. Although we're not 100% ready in our video section of the new website, sharing Randy's piece on the Oprah Show last week has spurred me into getting the Friday Video "Reader" back in gear.
We'll be re-presenting the video's in a new format on the website, hopefully by the time we end our summer break right after Labor day. Until then, we'll "just get it done".
Today we present you with an offering by one of our very favorite people. Wade Davis of National Geographic gives you gift of a world view that I absolutely know will impact on the life canvas you are painting for yourself. It will certainly cause minds to open wide.
The Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual
This weekend be "Picasso" with your life canvas!
See you on Monday.
Take care,

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