A note from peter@thewealthyattitude.com for Tuesday November 18 2008
Welcome to Tuesday everyone, and what an incredibly fine day it is.
Our theme of celebrating "Gratitude Month" is proving to be an even bigger deal than we expected. I'm hearing back from folks who are having magnificent breakthroughs of awareness by focusing on the subject, and then taking the inspired actions to support them. Now that is truly living.
We're continuing the process today with a new contributor who has something just amazing to share. You're going to enjoy this.
Going Beyond Yourself!
By Kathleen Kennedy
By Kathleen Kennedy
Often times, when people hear about great abundance and true wealth, they ask, why would anyone need that much money? How many 'things' does anyone need anyway? They feel quite certain that a modest amount of wealth is just fine, and really much more Spiritual.
This kind of thinking has come about for many reasons, which have been embedded in our culture for a very long time. There are deep seated beliefs that have been planted on this Earth, which stem from the concepts of 'finite resources' and a limited world. It also revolves around the standard, secular worship of the selfish 'small self'.
The modern world has rarely promoted the idea that those with great resources can go far beyond themselves and their tiny, little, personal needs. They are free to use their over flow in many magnificent ways. It has always been suggested that someone of modest means is somehow more worthy, because it is assumed that since they don't have much wealth, they are not greedy, selfish or self centered.
Let's examine this more closely. When someone is just getting by, or when one is struggling with their financial situation, the truth is that they become very self centered, with all their attention on their own intense problems. Most often, all that is thought about, is money and the need for more of it. There is no room to think about how they might contribute to anyone, or anything else. Hmmm...... We see quite clearly that this is not so very Spiritual after all! Actually, lack and scarcity have nothing to do with our Spiritual aspects in any way. How has all of this gotten so backwards?
You see, the choice we all have, is always between 'Love and Fear' and the situation of living without what we need, is always created from fear. This isn't about condemning anyone, because we've all been there! It's because we are fully entrenched and believing in the 'small world view' that insists that there is not enough to go around, and that life demands hard work and suffering, to display our value to the Universe.
My guidance has always stated several things.
First and foremost, there is NO nobility in suffering! We made suffering into a noble thing, simply because there has been so much of it on this planet, stemming from all of the misunderstandings about how things actually work.
Secondly, we must stretch way beyond our 'small limited self' with its limited thinking, to ever get where we really want to be.... abundant, joyful, healthy and living a truly grand life. The reason that so many shun the concept of the grand life (or conversely, want the grand life, but can't get there) stems from the fact that we never get past our 'small self'.
It is not hard to understand why this seems so difficult to do, as we feel the weight of our superficial world pressing in on us in every moment. The outer world has become so insistent, that the only things of any importance, are all of the superficial aspects and comforts of life. This also reinforces the fact, that you can barely do anything without a lot of money! Yikes!! What a convoluted mess it all has become.
What is the solution, what do we do, where do we go, and how do we get there? How on earth do we ever get past this limited, 'small world view' to reach our Higher Self and the freedom that lies beyond? Several words sum up what my guidance has given me, which can help bring some understanding to this picture.... choices, alignment, courage, discernment, and the greater good.
It begins with making CHOICES that are in ALIGNMENT with what is true and right for you, within all aspects of your Being, no matter what else is happening for others. It requires COURAGE to step away from the smallness and mediocrity of the superficial world and dare to be different. All of these actions and ways of being, take true DISCERNMENT to see beyond the smoke and mirrors, to what is really true. Next, your Higher Self asks you to truly go BEYOND YOURSELF and into the 'GREATER GOOD'. This is speaking about a larger vision than just filling your own personal needs.
So, how does all of this help us to manifest more money in our lives, you might ask? I'll put it this way, there is a strange phenomenon that occurs as you step up and fill your 'bigger shoes' and as you become the 'Being' that you were truly meant to be. The Universe supports our 'largeness' not our 'smallness' and as we move to Higher Ground, we begin to see all of the lack and limitation fall away. We can feel the wind beneath our wings as we fly higher and think bigger. As we fulfill a larger vision and assist the Greater Good, our own personal needs are more than taken care of and our abundance starts to over flow. We are in alignment with the larger picture, so now we can live the larger life.
It all has to do with going BEYOND YOURSELF.
Kathleen Kennedy is an energetic, spiritual entreprenuer, who has created numerous successful businesses, all of which have been completely built around the wisdom of her "Spirit Team." She has been tapping into the wisdom of her Spirit Guides since 1995 through the process of "Automatic Writing," which has profoundly changed her life and her way of doing business.
Kathleen is the author and co-creator of Wisdom Within Clarity Cards - a new leading edge Mind-Body-Spirit technology. This program is designed to help you remember your power and stay in your truth, even in this crazy, insane and busy world! It downloads onto your desktop in minutes, then you have it for a lifetime.

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