A note from peter@thewealthyattitude.com for Monday October 6 2008
Welcome again to another brand spanking new Fall week.
The North American financial chaos is undoubtedly going to give the forces of control a whole bunch of language in which they’ll be using to keep the populace fearful. Yes folks I know, it is serious, however, I’m totally buoyed by the reality that history proves that many entrepreneurial types are going to make veritable fortunes during this time.
So, how are you going to position yourself in the times? Are you going to come out like a rhino? I hope so!
This week we’re going to reflect on the behaviors of those intrepid folks who see these situations as “challenges”, not right or wrong, good or bad, just “challenges”. Just “challenges” that need to met with consideration, clarity, passion, and a huge dollop of humor. Folks, the message that I’m working to impart this week is: “You’ll Be Just Fine In 2009”.
In fact, we go to our good friend Philip to give you a leg up on the whole issue.
by Philip Humbert
It's that time of year again, time to review 2008's successes and "lessons learned" and make plans for 2009. I know, most people wait until the holidays and make their New Year's Resolutions on December 31st. But not you!
I've always thought year-end review and new-year planning during the holidays is a really dumb idea! The holidays are a time for festivals and parties and travel! The holidays are for celebration and fun. In contrast, goal-setting is probably the most sober, serious and vital work we do all year. It hardly fits with the distractions of the holidays.
Reviewing our achievements and making choices about how we'll invest our time and energy in the coming year is the most important thing we do. The care with which we review the past year and the precision with which we plan the new year ultimately determine the quality of our lives. The "Good Life" is no accident! Achievement and balance, satisfaction and fulfillment don't "just happen" and they are not reserved for the "lucky few."
A great life is the result of accurately assessing what's working, and making precise, thoughtful and detailed plans for the future. Sure, our plans may not work out in every case, but a plan gives us a chance! Without a good plan we're just wandering through life. Don't let that be you!
Here is the "4D" planning tool that Mary and I use, and I know Peter does also, and that I recommend to my personal coaching clients. I think you'll find it helpful.
1. Dream. Some people call this a "vision" or something else, but whatever term you prefer, as Stephen Covey says, you must "start with the end in mind." If you can't dream it, you'll never achieve it. What do you want? Where would you like to go? How much do you want to make? Who will be with you? Dare to dream BIG!
2. Decide. Some dreams will always remain dreams, wishes or fantasies. I think day-dreams are healthy and that's fine. But some dreams deserve the chance to come true! At some point successful people make a clear decision to "go for it." They commit to a result, with no turning back and no excuses. Some dreams are just dreams, but other dreams deserve your best efforts and it's up to you to DECIDE.
3. Desire. When things are tough only a burning passion and an insatiable desire will keep you going. Passion is what makes life worth living! Passion, desire and faith get us up early and keep us working all day long. When the financial markets collapse or friends laugh at our ideas or customers won't buy, DESIRE keeps us going. Desire is the "north star" that guides successful people. Fuel your desire and it will power your dreams.
4. Daily Action. Daily discipline, daily effort, daily action to make your dreams come true is the key to all success. We've all heard that "a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step." That's true, but we forget that a journey of a thousand miles also requires many additional steps! Each one is easy and simple, but it must be taken. Most dreams are like that. Individually, each step is reasonable and easy, but each one must be done at the right time and in the right way. There is no alternative but daily action.
I am always surprised at the number of people who remain confused or ambivalent about the quality of their life. We have the chance to be or become whatever we choose. We can have or do just about anything we can imagine.
Set your sights high! Be clear about your Decisions, your Desire and your Daily Actions.
You can have the life you truly want!

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