A note from peter@thewealthyattitude.com for Thursday May 8 2008
Say a big “aloha” to Thursday.
I just don’t know what was happening yesterday. It seems the decision making had “left the building”. Almost every single person I had to deal with had seemingly forgotten that “power” goes to the decisive.
I learned for my grandfather many years ago, that if we wait until all the ducks get in a row before we make a decision, it never happens. What we have to do is, make a decision, and then all the ducks get in a row. Seems pretty clear to me.
So, I thought I’d send out a guide showing how to avoid making a decision. I know you’ll all be sending this one around.
How to Avoid Making a Decision!
● Fail to recognize the need to make one.
● Resist change (seek security in sameness).
● Fail to adequately weigh the potential positive benefits.
● Create distractions (or situational chaos).
● Create conflict (or interpersonal chaos).
● Get lost in detail (compulsive control).
● Get lost in routine (structural control).
● Dump responsibility on others (actively shift the locus of control).
● Wait for permission (passively shift the locus of control).
● Hide in depression, i.e., “nothing will work” (deny locus of control).
● Escape into fantasy (avoid the limits of earthly existence).
● Wait for the perfect time (deny the shortness of life).
● Wait to perfect yourself (obsess on winning approval).
● Wait for all the possible information and alternatives to be considered.
● Deny your capacity to handle the consequences and demands of your decision (deny your abilities).

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