A note from peter@thewealthyattitude.com for Thursday September 11 2008
Welcome to Thursday.
As we start the process of wrapping up the week I want to acknowledge all of our great contributors and writers. Without the dedication of these outstanding folks it would be next to impossible to bring you the relevant “readers” we do.
The Wealthy Attitude Daily Reader is now enjoyed by folks on every continent and I’m excited to tell you that it’s going to become even better in the very near future.
To start that process off I’m personally inviting you to join us on Monday September 10th at 7:00pm EST (6:00pm CST, 5:00pm MST, 4:00pm PST) on a very special call as one of our good friends and contributors launches an amazing product that will certainly serve you in your own growth.
Our friend Warren Wojnowski has developed a terrific program called The Inspired Science of Getting Rich. Warren has kindly offered us a very advanced opportunity to let you know about this new release. This special launch will be a part of our regular Road to Riches Group conference call so there will be some other fun information on the call that you’ll want to hear.
I’ll let you know more about what to expect over the weekend coming up, but get the time into your day-timer right now as spaces on the call will be limited. Here’s the details:
Monday 10th September 2008
7:00pm EST (6:00pm CST, 5:00pm MST, 4:00pm PST)
Call into: 1-269-615-6500
Pin number: 215289#
We also have a special gift for everyone who attends the call. You’ll love it.
Now, on with today’s offering. I got this from our friend Thea Westra in Australia and although it’s been around for a very long time, it is as relevant today as when it was penned.
Profound Personal Integrity
“This document comes from the curriculum of the Maliwada Human Development Training School in Maliwada, India, which is a former program of ICA International They are not certain of the year, so there are no further details that they could provide for a citation.”
Above quoted from an email dated 13 Feb. 2008 sent to me by the Director of Development and Communications at The Institute of Cultural Affairs International (ICA) in Quebec, Canada. Give a gift that gives again at Working Gifts
We are going to visit the arena of Profound Humanness called “Integrity”. Sometimes “integrity” is reduced to mean a kind of moral uprightness and steadfastness, in the sense of saying, “He has too much integrity to ever take a bribe.”
But profound integrity goes far beyond this. Sometimes, in order to distinguish it from more limited popular usage, it is called “secondary integrity”. This is the integrity which is not constrained by limited moralities, however well-intentioned. The integrity that is profound living is the singularity of thrust of a life committed and ordering every dimension of the self towards that commitment. Thus the self is in fact shaped by the self, and focused towards that commitment. You can say that an audacious creation of the self takes place in integrity, without which you are simply the creation of the various forces impacting you in your society.
Thus the basis of integrity is a destinal resolve - a resolve that chooses and sets your destiny and out of which your whole life is ordered. The object of that resolve is the ultimate decision of each person, and each person makes that choice, consciously or unconsciously. To do so with awareness is the height of man’s responsibility. It is incarnate freedom. It is what real freedom looks like. When man has thus exercised his freedom he realizes that to be true to himself ever thereafter he has a unique position to look at the values of his society. He is no longer bound by the opinions and codes of his fellow-man, but reevaluates then on the basis of their impact on his destinal resolve.
Thus the man of integrity is continuously engaged in a societal transvaluation, a moving across the values of society and reinterpreting them in line with his life’s thrust. It does not give him the liberty of ignoring his society, but his obligation transcends the conformity of living within the codes and mores of his society. Thus the man of profound integrity always seems to not quite fit with his fellow-men, but his actions always are appropriate for him, even to those who oppose him.
No matter how odd the man of profound integrity appears to his neighbors, he experiences himself as securely anchored. While he is very clear that this world is not his home, nevertheless he experiences himself as having found his native vale. He experiences an eternal at-one-ness, not so much with the currents and waves of activity around him, but with the deeper trends of history itself. Amid the flux of wavering to and fro that is so evident in others, he experiences an inexplicable rootedness, as though he has sunk a taproot deep into the foundations of the earth itself.
Though he experiences his life as a long journey, even an endless journey, towards the object of his resolve, yet he never senses himself as a stranger on the journey It’s as if he’d been there before. Original integrity is experienced primarily by this sense of at-one-ness.
Kierkegaard once wrote a book about this kind of integrity that he titled, “Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing”. An ancient philosopher focused his wisdom around this integrity with the advice, “Know yourself, and to your own self, be true.”

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