A note from peter@thewealthyattitude.com for Tuesday September 16 2008
Welcome to this fine Tuesday.
Well, I really booboo’d again yesterday.
I was so very enthused about our friend Warren’s launch of The Inspired Science of Getting Rich I messed up big time with the call in number. Some of you got the right one, but I do believe that most didn’t if my e-mail was any indication. Right at call time my e-mail inbox was lighting up with folks bringing to my attention that the number wasn’t working.
However, we have a really neat way of turning a sow’s ear into a very fine silk purse. We were forward thinking enough to record the call.
And, and this is a very big “and”, Warren realized during the call (as this was a trial launch) that there was no way he’d get all the material covered in one call. And this is where the bonus lies for you. Read on!
To compensate for my error in giving you the wrong dial in information, I’m attaching the link for the recording of our conference call, and extending an invitation to come together again next Monday for part two of the launch of The Inspired Science of Getting Rich. And yet another bonus, Warren is preparing an outstanding offer to everyone who is on the call. Now that’s how silk purses are created.
In lieu of today’s reader, you can enjoy me talking more about Raymond Holliwell’s great book “Working With The Law”, and you’ll get to hear Warren begin his presentation about The Inspired Science of Getting Rich. It’s all grand stuff!
Here’s the links for your convenience:
If you want to just listen in your browser:
If you want to download and play on your computer:
Also, here’s the correct number and information for next week’s conference call.
Monday 22nd September 2008
7:00pm EST (6:00pm CST, 5:00pm MST, 4:00pm PST)
Call into: 1-269-320-8400
Pin number: 215289#
I deeply appreciate your patience as I work my way through the technologies. You are special to me.
Take care,

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